The DO STEM Ecosystem functions under a distributive leadership model to promote inclusivity, individual community programming autonomy, active community engagement, innovation, and adaptability.  The distributive leadership model will support mobilizing STEM expertise and existing and rising leaders at all levels within the community to promote increased quality STEM opportunities and vested stakeholder involvement.

Learn more about STEM Ecosystems


Constellations are partnerships arising from the needs of the DO STEM ecosystem.  DO STEM members are individuals within the region that voluntarily participate in/host regional STEM offerings. Constellations are where people, groups, and organizations committed to STEM come together to address a common goal. (e.g. provide rich STEM experiences, develop a highly-skilled STEM workforce, address issues of accessibility, research best practices, etc.).   Constellations are encouraged to regularly share the constellation’s work with the larger ecosystem.  

Learn more about the constellation structure inspired by the Listening to the Stars article by Tonya Surman and Mark Surman.

DO STEM: Constellation Model 

*adapted from the constellation model by Tonya Surman and Mark Surman


DO STEM Ambassadors are the heartbeat of the ecosystem.  Ambassadors are representatives that strive to promote open dialogue regarding the innovative STEM landscape and the community. Ambassadors carry voice within their organizations and serve through regular interactions in the Ecosystem convenings to inform DO STEM action and outcomes.  Their participation helps to develop synergistic reciprocal partnerships that enhance STEM in the greater Dayton region. Ambassadors provide crucial awareness of STEM needs, offerings, and opportunities throughout the region to the ecosystem. Likewise, ambassadors carry the message and vision of the ecosystem back to their organizations.  This group adds knowledge and influence to drive and support the ecosystem and works to increase collective impact throughout the greater Dayton region.  


The goal of the advisory council is to serve as the organizational support structure of the ecosystem. Committed to the collective impact model, the council will support the ecosystem,  ambassadors, and nodes by providing structure and ownership for day-to-day management of the ecosystem and by supporting the ecosystem momentum.  This group will help build and maintain the momentum of the ecosystem by organizing convenings, fostering partnerships, and raising awareness. The council is committed to the values of the ecosystem and will rely heavily on open dialogue and will intentionally stay responsive to the evolving needs of the ecosystem.

Current Advisory Council Members

*Alphabetically organized by organization

Margie Pinnell

Director, Talent Development & Organizational Improvement 

Vince Russo
President &

Chris Adkins-Lamb
Chief Development Officer

Chrysa Theodore
VP, Venture Operations

Kurtz Miller
Senior Academic Coordinator  

Robin Fisher

Superintendent, CAO

Amy Schrimpf

Vice President

April Vanover

Workforce Development & Government Relations 

Brett Doudican
Curriculum Specialist 

Gretchen Capogna
STEM Outreach Manager

Wesley O. Biles, II

Project Manager - K12 Initiatives

Amy Anyanwu
Assistant Superintendent 

Sandi Preiss
Service Coordinator and Consultant

Marita Abram

Director, Center for Teaching & Learning

Leroy Long III

Associate Professor, Chair of Mechanical Engineering Technology Department

Cassie Barlow

Amy Breedon

Research Scientist

Gerica Brown
Assistant Dean of Inclusive Excellence Strategic Initiatives 

Dan Andrews
STEM Division Chief

Shannon Oyler

Human Resources Generalist 

Jessica Short
Chief of Operations 


The Dayton Regional STEM Center, part of Montgomery County Educational Service Center, is the "Backbone Organization" for DO STEM.  Backbone organizations maintain and promote the constellation model and provide technical assistance or additional staff capacity. The Backbone Leadership position is held by the Director of the Dayton Regional STEM Center, Jessica Short.